Dear colleagues,

We are especially pleased to send the first newsletter produced by our organizations that are present on three continents and in 34 countries.
The newsletter is published quarterly, possibly every two months and it must be a communication tool for the exchange of different experiences rooted in the different geographical areas. We will try to disseminate technical and organizational legislative, scientific, characterizing the state-of-the-art and development of spas in different countries.
Your cooperation is essential. We are looking forward to receiving your suggestions, proposals and news, you are cordially invited to send to our e-mail:
These days, the year 2008 is coming to an end and we wish you and your family with a true and deep sense of friendship, a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2009.

Andres Campos Ennio Gori
President SITH President OMTH


The proposed Directive of the EU Commission

SITH OMTH and decided to define the strategic lines through which Hydrotherapy will be able to meet the challenge of the 21stcentury.
Since 2002 we have been aimed to design a «Hydrotherapy model», including its history, the current state of the art and future.
The European context was regarded as the most important parameter and became a reference point for the experiences of other geographical areas, particularly as it represents 27 countries and 500 million people living in the European Union.

We have held two major conferences in Levico Terme (Italy) in October 2005 14-15-16 ad in Cuntis (Spain) on January 11,12,13 2008.
These events confirm the need to define the guidelines for the development of spas in the European Union. For this purpose the full development of the thermal sector in each country is considered as a fundamental, in order to provide a service to all citizens. In particular, the freedom of choice of thermal power plants to EU level was considered critical.

Talked and awaited news has arrived.
29/11/2007 – The European Parliament adopted a resolution on a new Community policy for tourism and the point «thermal tourism» guidelines of Community policy Hydrotherapy, detailed in articles
44-45-46 – The European Parliament Hydrotherapy defined as an area of ​​»strategic importance for the economy of the Member States».
07/02/2008 – The European Commission presented to Parliament the proposal for a directive on the rights of citizens in terms of transnational health services.
This measure will allow Cures without borders in Europe.
The Directive was prepared by the Commissioner for Health, Androulla Vassiliou who warmly thank.
The European Parliament’s opinion should be expressed in April 2009. The complex process of final approval of the proposal should end after the election of the new parliament in the spring of 2009.
The directive is an essential tool and transform radically the rights of citizens, a utopia that can be realized.
The text is certainly complex and requires a number of improvements and changes and have the duty to follow the process and promptly report on all events.
The objective reality is doing is certainly exciting, Hydrotherapy may be able to take advantage of a new framework and space, in the whole of Europe, finally creating a reference model for all
geographical areas.
Our work can be effective only through cooperation.
For details, please contact us via e-mail:
We are looking forward to receiving their proposals. SITH OMTH and set this goal for many years. We will be able to meet with their help.


The Italian thermal system

In 2007, 379 Italian thermal companies increased their turnover of around 4%, with a good result we hope will be stable in 2008 as well.
The increase in turnover was supported significantly by revenue from health services (+ 6%), while thermal treatments show a slow but positive trend. The percentage of billing deal with thermal comfort, after four years of steady increase is showing a certain degree of stabilization, with an offer for a appearingly mature market with an active demand anyway. The thermal supply from neighboring countries, and emerging countries is a stimulus for the improvement of Italian companies, so they can offer a very competitive product.
Staff welfare and moments dedicated to relaxation are probably costs not cut into the budgets of Italian families, as they are considered as fundamental moments of self-help, including in the framework of an international economic crisis.
The thermal services provided by the National Health System for the Italian population are a real benefit that has been enjoyed by thousands of years of history for a number of chronic diseases. They are widespread and contribute to a reduction of expenses in other segments of the health system, from the use of medicines, hospitalizations, services provided by specialists and GPS. The renewed value of this sector is in the concept of keeping the level of health. This concept combines the healing aspect to prevention and more broadly to the welfare of the individual.
Spa tourism account for 10% of Italian tourism, with an average turnover of 400 million euros. This is almost € 1 billion if we consider the thermal stays in hotels and related thermalims.

Pier Francesco Bernacchi
General manager of the spa town of Chianciano.


In Russia, the current federal law on natural healing resources and healing areas defines the principles of using the healing properties (mineral water, mud, climate, etc.) in order to prevent and cure some diseases.

The body «Rostekhnadzor» Control annually prepares and approves the guidelines according to which the territories of health protection of the basins of mineral water and sludge are analyzed.

Overall control of the situation of water resources in protected areas is carried out according to the «technological schemes of resource utilization», given the «plans of the areas of protection circles 1-3 the health».

In all regions norms and ground rules have been set according to which the quantitative analysis of natural healing takes place.

Out services and curative control stations out activities in cooperation with trade unions of spas.

Spas prepare draft health protection on the basis of the monitoring activities of the geological conditions, in particular: the observation of groundwater, control of chemical and bacteriological composition of the thermal water, sludge and hydrometeo analysis.

The control system includes the calculation of the need for natural waters within 24 hours, analysis of the chemical composition of the water and sludge, in order to evaluate the stability of the basin hydrochemical conditions, measuring static and dynamic capture of the base levels, measures the variability of the water levels of groundwater.

In 2006, according to research carried out, the stability of the chemical composition of mineral waters and mud were measured in most of the regions of Russia, as well as the hydrodynamic parameters and physical properties mechanical properties of the mud.

The above important work has been carried out system installations thermal stations Russia Guild, one of the largest in the country.

Thermal Stations Association
EFS «Profkurort»


It is a pleasure to introduce the thermal region of the state of Bahia, with its spas, Caldas de Cipo, do Jorro and Jorrinho. They are luxury resorts around significant.
The healing thermal waters with their healing effect for example demonstrated the creation of the first chronological / hydromedical hospital in the Americas (around 1700). It is a giant flow of thermal water springs at 36 ° C (body temperature) with a (very hard, rich in gas, radio-active, very particular chemical composition with a high iron content (+2 and +3), macro (Na, K, Mg, Ca), lithium, manganese.

The thermal Rancho Cipo is 200 km away from the famous tropical Coas Sauipe – Bahia (Brazil), rich in history and with a semi-arid tropical climate. It has an airport. Particularly it appreciated this opportunity offers an interesting social and human use of these thermal waters, especially for the most vulnerable population.
Basins are not used; thermal flow naturally at a temperature of 36 ° C in a tropical climate, arid and semi-arid, with a hydrochemical composition that is unique and rare waters.
The station is near the famous tourist area of ​​the Atlantic (do Sauipe cost) and this allows a combination of thalassotherapy and hydrothermal medicine with a rich literature of therapeutic uses including the treatment of skin diseases.

T. Fabio Lazzerini
President SBT – Brazilian Society for Cures

Hydrotherapy and persue thermoclimatism in France, even in a difficult economic scenario, the mission to offer a cure for patients suffering from diseases, often disabling deseass, giving the thermal therapeutic approach a fundamental social dimension. As a complement to preventive medicine, thermal cures can be reasonably understood in the context of measures taken by the National Health System.
In order to support this social therapeutic dimension, which was the basis for discussion between the institutions of a state that intends to use public funds in the best way possible, as well as a group of doctors who had not been sufficiently informed about the beneficial effects of the cures, a global research project has been implemented four years ago. The three main stakeholders, namely the French and Climate Terhmal Federation, the National Thermal Station and the National Association of Mayors of Cities Thermal created the French Association for Thermal Research (AFTh). This scientific association, thanks to the financial support granted by each member according to the number of patients in the thermal stations, gave the impetus to numerous studies showing success fully the validity of the priests.
The field of rheumatology has been one of the first to be detected, which is also due to the very large number of patients. The results published in international journals and deal with diseases of the spine and, more recently, with the peripheral joints. One of the most important studies carried out within a multidisciplinary framework agreement also gonartrhosis. A similar approach, with very positive conclusions, refers to psychosomatic disorders. Other projects that are being developed, eight of which have already been selected following a competition launched in 2008. One of them relates particularly to thermal therapy applied to diseases affecting the venous system.
These studies involve large groups of doctors and physicinas hot college, and particularly physicians belonging to the French Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology, which recently celebrated the 150th anniversary. During the recent Congress of the International Socienty of Medical Hydrology (ISMH), held in Porto last June, some of the results of these studies were presented. These results will also be discussed during the Annual National Meeting held in early November in the spa town of Bagneres-de-Bigorre in the Pyrenees.
Besides those mentioned above, another important association to remember, which is the French Association of Technical hydrothermal belonging to the International Society (SITH), which is more specific to the problems of a technical nature, that managers of power plants They have to face.
The next step in this important scientific process will be next ISMH Congress, held in Paris in June 2010. Another important event in Paris will Cures International Exhibition to be held in the heart of the French capital at the Carrousel du Louvre 22 to 25 January 2009.
Professor Michel Boulange ‘
Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Nancy

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