” The International Society of Hydrothermal Techniques” , one of the oldest organizations and world leaders Hydrotherapy held next June 41 2014 the International Congress on Hydrotherapy facilities in the Termas de Cuntis .
At the event they will involve key professionals and experts from different countries in Europe, America and Asia sector.
This year under the slogan ” Cures in the Second Millennium ,” we want to deepen on the present and future outlook of international Hydrotherapy and so , the event constitutes an exchange of experiences on topics of interest.
The organization has developed a comprehensive program that will tell you in detail below .
The organization welcomes and invites you to attend.
Friday – 13/06/2014
19,00h _ Registration of Participants
19,30h _ Opening Ceremony
20,00h _ Ceremony for the VII International Prize Marcial Campos to Thermal Research
21,00h _ Dinner
Saturday – 14/06/2014
10,00h _ ROUND TABLE: “Transboundary Thermalism: situations and competences of every State”
11,00h _ ROUND TABLE: “Peloids Research”
12,00h _ Coffee Break
12,30h _ ROUND TABLE “Long term treatment trends, related to the population aging”
14,00h _ Lunch
16,30h _ ROUND TABLE “Technical facilities: resources and costs optimization”
18,00h _ Coffee Break
18,30h _ ROUND TABLE “Swimming pools in hot spring baths: from the medical view point/risk decrease of hydric illnesses”
21,00h _ Gala Dinner
Sunday- 15/06/2014
10,00h _ ROUND TABLE: “Marketing and commercialization.”