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NEWSLETTER OMTH MARZO 2016 PREMESSA La newsletter di questo periodo ci porta ad alcune riflessioni. Lo stato del termalismo terapeutico e del benessere termale in Europa, nonostante la situazione economica generale, raggiunge risultati soddisfacenti. In America Latina è in atto un forte impegno per sviluppare l’aspetto essenziale della ricerca scientifica, ma l’offerta termale è sostanzialmente incentrata sull’aspetto ludico. In Cina […]
Cari colleghi, queste brevi note giungano a conclusione dell’anno 2015 particolarmente impegnativo per la nostra organizzazione. Il nostro impegno è stato caratterizzato da partecipazioni a Congressi, nel promuovere iniziative e collaborazioni. Ricordiamo in particolare il lavoro per concretizzare le opportunità che la Direttiva U.E. 24/2011 pone per lo sviluppo del sistema termale europeo, la nostra partecipazione ad incontri congressuali in […]
You can download the newsletter in PDF format here: NEWSLETTER IT LUGLIO 2015 La newsletter vi giunge in un periodo significativo della stagione termale 2015 che ci auguriamo abbia il successo che tutti auspichiamo nonostante le obiettive difficoltà determinate dal quadro economico generale in particolare in Europa. Questo Continente è stato sempre ritenuto una significativa entità di riferimento ove abbiamo tenacemente indicato le linee […]
EUROPE NEW THERMALISM We are pleased to inform you about developments in the long process of approval by Parliament and the Council on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare. The individual steps are carefully followed at each level. Once approved at first reading by Parliament on April 23, 2009, the measure has been blocked in the Council for […]
ITALY Levico Terme conference on the future of European health system between private and pubblic. Held in Levico Terme, on September 24, 2011, in the beautiful setting of the Thermal Palace, the conference “The new frontiers of European health system – free of pateints Moviments in the Member States of the European Union between pubblic and private” which was attended […]
Levico Terme, Italy, December 2009 Dear colleagues, This edition of the newsletter is printed in a peculiar moment when the year 2009 is coming to an end. It has been a fruitful year of work, marked by the efforts of our organizations to develop a new model of Hydrotherapy in Europe and in different geographical areas. Important moments were the […]
THERMALISM IN EUROPE WITHOUT BORDERS EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PASSES THE DIRECTIVE Dear colleagues, when writing this article, we express our deep satisfaction at the news that we are able to convey to you. Congress held in Levico Terme (Italy) “The new European health – Cures for everyone without boundaries – Prospects for the development of Cures” – on 8-9 May 2009, […]
EUROPE THERMALISM WITHOUT BORDERS The proposed EU Directive Commission National Congress – The new European health, the cure for all the world without borders the future development of Hydrotherapy – Levico Terme (Italy), May 8 to 9, 2009 In the December newsletter we informed you about the fact that the proposed directive on the rights of citizens, in terms of […]
Dear colleagues, We are especially pleased to send the first newsletter produced by our organizations that are present on three continents and in 34 countries. The newsletter is published quarterly, possibly every two months and it must be a communication tool for the exchange of different experiences rooted in the different geographical areas. We will try to disseminate technical and […]