Levico Terme, Italy, December 2009
Dear colleagues,
This edition of the newsletter is printed in a peculiar moment when the year 2009 is coming to an end.
It has been a fruitful year of work, marked by the efforts of our organizations to develop a new model of Hydrotherapy in Europe and in different geographical areas. Important moments were the Congress in Levico Terme, Italy, 8-9 May 2009, in Aguas de Sao Pedro, Brazil, days September 30, 2009, in Abano Terme, Italy, with thermal day World Forum 12-14 November 2009.
It was a broad and comprehensive plan, which appears to have concrete results. Hence our gratitude to all for the fruitful cooperation.
Sincerely we wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy 2010 to you and your families.
Andres Campos, President Sith Ennio Gori, President OMTh
We would like to draw your attention to the development of the adoption of the Directive of the European Parliament and the Council, in so far as the application of patients’ rights to transnational health treatments approved in the first reading by the European Parliament by 23.04 2009.
As we have emphasized in our speed out during the World Forum of thermal, held in Abano Terme (Italy) on 12-14 November 2009, the European Parliament and the Council are discussed to reach a final approval . The main article, n. 7 Directive – Non-hospital treatment – explicitly allowed to use heat treatments without preventive authorization and the automatic right to reimbursement if such treatments are recognized both by the state of origin and the state which treatment is being received.
The final approval of the Directive is scheduled for early next year. We will keep you informed of the progress of this decisive step towards the growth of spas in Europe.
Ennio Gori, President OMTH
Living organisms are the primary source of new biologically active molecules used, especially in the field of pharmaceutical industry and agriculture – food field. Detecting microorganisms, plants and animals to identify biologically active compounds have played an important role and a crucial development during the last century, as for the study and verification of possible antibiotic properties of approximately 13,500 natural substances, 5500 which they are produced by actinomycetes and 3,300 by plants; only 90 of these are currently used in the medical sector. Today is therefore necessary to further investigate the current knowledge while promoting research on new natural compounds that can possibly be tested and used for therapeutic reasons. The micro-algae are an important source of these compounds, even if they have studied only since 1980 in a direct way.
The diversity of the active molecules obtained from microalgae is not surprising if you think that these organisms belong to different groups philogenetical tassonomy. These microorganisms also provide the advantage of being cultivated in controlled conditions for the production of active compounds that can constitute a valid alternative to those produced by chemical synthesis processes.
Current research
In recent years, microalgae have become an object of study are many groups of Italian and foreign research, which identified a number of substances with potential antimicrobial activity. For example, Spirulina platensis extracts a cianofícea philamentous showed an activity capable of blocking Candida albicans (Demule et al, 1996); Lyngbya lagerheimii (cianofícea) is capable of producing a particular sulphatelypidis with and HIV (Gustafson et al., 1989) activity. Other compounds, as suggested by Patterson et al. (1991, 1995) have been obtained by some species of some bacteria Ciano.
In addition, microalgae are capable of producing other extremely interesting molecules, including, for example, vitamins, carotenoids, fatty acids, which play an important role as for use in many different field such as the food sector, pharmaceuticals and The ecology.
During the summer of 1996 they began research on microscopic algae mud and thermal waters Eugenio (Padua, Italy) basin. This was the consequence of the need to carry out an update of the types of micro-algae organisms living in these environments, their quantitative presence and the role they can play in the processes taking place in the waters of the source of the waters, especially, to the solid matrix also used in hotels thereapeutical activities.
Biochemical studies done before (Galzigna et al., 1995) have shown the possibility that substances with a probable organic origin, participate in a decisive way, along with the heat and non-organic compounds of the thermal waters, efficiency of the treatments of some skeletal pathologies. Subsequent studies were conducted from a chemical point of view, and found that some compounds, identified as sulphoglycolypids produced by the organisms present in the sludge, containing therapeutically active substances. In the mud and used, in fact, the amount of these substances decreases and this leads us to believe they are absorbed by the skin of patients during treatments (Bellometti et al., 1996). On this basis, and in order to better define the origin of the aforementioned compounds, studies were carried out on these microorganisms-(Diatom and cianofícea) that are more abundant in the mud used in the mud-therapy (Galzigna et al., 1998; Tolomio et al, 1999) ..
Research on microalgae
After a preliminary phase dedicated to developing methods of sampling and analysis (1996), from January to June 1997 he conducted a research on micro-algae present in the mud of Lake Arquà extracted and matured in traditional basins . The results of this work underline an abundance of diatom (unicellular algae with indoor sylicius, able to move), not only on the surface but also in the center of the clay itself. This demonstrates the fact that they are able to move from typical organisms with photosynthesis, a etherophic nutrition, also without light autotrophic nutrition. Only water-sediment contact some cianofícea (also known as blue-green algae) are developed. They have a different structure (develop in colonies or coccoids) and are not able to migrate into the interstitial spaces of sediment, or live without a sufficient amount of light even if they are highly resistant from the viewpoint of temperature. The observations were carried out twice a week during the ripening period likely (2-3 months) allowed the identification of the most significant ways in terms of the communities of micro-algae that make the thermal environment, their distribution mud and quantitative presence. The presence of a large number of cells, especially in terms of Diatom, showed that these environments, which are regarded as “end” to all forms of life, not merely the living and those who are studying organisms, which can They adapt very well.
The comparison with samples taken directly from Arquà showed that many species that develop later in the mud maturation are already present in the material taken from the lake and that these species are able to develop, even after a long period of inactivity, Lime left to dry, after maturing period has begun. Contact with thermal water determined a new start of the physiological activity of the body and hemophiliac sufficiently rapid decline that can not be easily adapted.
The results obtained through a detailed statistical analysis of all available data anyway stressed, quite unexpectedly, that the variability factors, marked by the different origin and size distribution of clay sub-strata and different treatments undergoes thermal mud in 6 plants, determining no side effects on the microscopic parameters such as the total number of species of diatoms and Cianophicea and quantity. At the same time, no sound shows, so the first results concerned which marked an overall homogeneity of the specific composition of the popolamanria examined. Variations communities anyway micro-algae may also depend on other factors such as the intensity of light (for species that live on the surface), the temperature, the mixing frequency, the amount of organic material it is dispersed. In fact, stress can induce the production of specific substances, such as a defense mechanism (for example, a high amount of carotenoid) –
Along with research activities in place (traditional basins prototype automated plants) who first performed the isolation of groups of micro-algae and preparation of laboratory cultures, to be used for ecological research and biochemical self- . About 50 species of microalgae of the 100 species of microalgae capable of living in the vicinity of the town Euganea thermal area. Systemic belong to two groups (Diatom and Cianophicea) that make this habitat. Growth tests were conducted in differentiated temperature and lighting conditions, using suitable bases or thermostatic cell culture. The groups, due in particular have been studied more in detail in points morphological, cytological, biochemical and molecular view. They were identified parameters to optimize mass production in controlled cultivation. The growth rate and the maximum obtainable density were measured. The production scale-up show that such micro-algae can be grown in a reproducible way volumes crops from 0.1 to 30 liters in volume and possibly this can be further increased. The biomass thus obtained is used in particular to develop methods of extracting the glycolypid component and also from being analyzed biochemically.
Alberto Lalli Vice OMTh
Applied research project peloids (mud), approved by the Spanish Ministry of scientific activities
The Spanish Ministry of Science Activities has just passed under the Nationa1 + D1 (2008-2011), a research project mainly aimed at the transfer of knowledge to companies (TRACE) that different research groups presented together with some plants balneotherapy and hydrotherapy in Spain.
The project title is “Application of clays balnethoerapy and health”. The preparation of mixtures and determination of the therapeutic properties related belong to a multidisciplinary project, involving researchers from different fields of science: geologists, experts in chemistry, physics, pharmacists, biologists and physicians working in hydrology five Spanish universities. Sevilla, Autonomous University of Madrid Complutense de Madrid, A Coruña and Vigo cooperate with six companies: balneotherapy plant Cuntis (Pontevedra), the plant balneotherapy La Toja (Pontevedra), the plantAtlántico thalassotherapy (Pontevedra), spas Montemayor ( Caceres), the central balneotherapy Cofrentes (Valencia) and Sud Chemie (Madrid), who also participate in the project.
The project consists of two sub-projects: one focused on creating and mud mixing and control of minerals, chemical, physical and physicochemical point of view and a second project that will focus on the microbiological control and mud mixtures (cyan pathogens and bacteria) and its application to healthy patients and patients with different pathologies, in order to determine their therapeutic properties.
The proposed research aims at obtaining the following results:
• Evaluate the mineral, chemical, physical and physical-chemical transformations of clays and kaolin (betonies) during contact with four different mineral waters from plants balneotherapy in Spain and seawater thalassotherapy plant to Next, the process for the production of therapeutic mud (peolid) maturation.
• To determine the content of pathogenic organisms and algae and cyano bacteria in mixtures and mud.
• Evaluate the clay-water mixtures and mud are more suitable for use in plants balneotherapy and thalassotherapy, its applicability and microbiological properties and composition?
• To distinguish the best mix mud and healthy patients and patients with different diseases, in order to verify what is the best for mud balneotherapy and thalassotherapy plants.
• Being able to give information to all companies belonging to the project which are perfect conditions for each case for creating mixtures and peloids, to apply them to offer patients the best therapeutic properties.
The project will last two years.
We learned with deep sorrow of the sudden passing away of Andrey Vitalievich Ostroverkhov, the Director General of “Profkurort” OMTH Pro Bono and President.
He has been an expert important spas, whose efforts were instrumental in the development of spas in Russia. He was a person of high moral and human qualities, which marked his personality as a director and as a friend.
OMTH wishes to express its deepest sympathy to our colleagues “Profkurort” and especially his family.
Andrey Vitalievich Ostroverkhov
The Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions announces with deep sorrow the news of the death of the Director General of complex thermal EFS “Prufkurort” who died at 60 years of age. Andrey Vitalievich Ostroverkhov.
He began working in the main office of the thermal complex of unions in 1975 as chief engineer of the farm sector and became Director General.
Thanks to its high professional and organizational values, work capacity and responsibility of the work designated the Association of Gas Thermal EFS “Prufkurort” became an association state-of-the-art in terms of organization the field of public health, rest and social tourism.
The Association was repeatedly awarded prizes and awards during the meetings of the thermal complex.
Andrey Vitalievich Ostroverkhov had once been the president of the World Organization Cures, President of the International Association of thermal cooperation “Interprofkurort”, member of the General Council of the SAI, member of the Presidency of the Central Committee of the Union of workers employed in the public health sector of the Russian Federation member of the monitoring committees and the Directors of the thermal territorial associations.
As an economics professor who has contributed to the development of spas in Russia in a major way and won the “National Health League” competition.
He was awarded the “Council of honor”, “economic expert of the Russian Federation”, the SAI several awards, diplomas by the administrations of the spas prize.
Participation and express our sorrow for the loss of Andrey Vitalievich Ostroverkhov, along with employees of the Association of thermal Resorts EFS “Profkurort” and we express our condolences to his family and friends.
We will keep her in our hearts illustrated memory.
The 1st Brazilian Symposium on Medicine Crenología and Hydrology was held in Brazil in Aguas de Sao Pedro, 30 September 2009. On this occasion I had the opportunity to present a report on “OMTH and Cures in Latin America.” The subject was really interesting and had the opportunity to speak before a large audience and presented the essential outlines of a “Hydrotherapy model” developed in Europe during the long years of work and discussions of the congress. I wanted to remember that individual states in Europe made a number of important legal measures and that the European Union will pass a directive allowing Hydrotherapy able to develop significantly, perhaps unexpected. Indeed, we can expect that during the first months of next year will be finally adopted some measures which will allow European citizens to freely make thermal cures, without a preventive authorization in all EU member states 27.
I filed my view that Latin America might be able to evaluate, improve and adapt the European model of hydrotherapy to local needs.
A series of meetings organized by the SBT, the Brazilian Society of Hydrotherapy, represented by the Director T. Fabio Lazzerini, vice president OMTh also in the cities of Natal and Mossoró (State: Rio Grande do Norte), Aguas de Sao Pedro and Water de Lindoia (State: Sao Paolo).
The meetings with mayors, representatives of tourist boards, doctors, businessmen, were marked by a high degree of participation and interest, which is not reasonably expect.
Notice of our meetings was given by newspapers and television interviews and articles that revealed the content of the meetings.
The long and fruitful trip gave me a strong impression of the apparent potential of the Brazilian Hydrotherapy, which can be compared with the rest of Latin America.
OMTH dedicated to be increasingly present in Latin America, in order to allow concrete results for the development of spas, a significant geographic area. My journey has been full of meetings and events, allowing us to understand and plan our future commitment.
I would like to kindly thank the Standing Committee of the dnom Crenología – The Federal Ministry of mining and energy – in Brasilia, for the organization of the symposium, my colleagues of SBT – the Brazilian Society of Thermalism, president Correa Lima in particular the Director T. Fabio Lazzerini for their ongoing work carried out to make my trip a success in Brazil. Finally, I would stress the friendship and affection, the warm participation of our meetings Peccenini Joseph Petri, president of SBT Pro Bono and former Vice President OMTH, which is an important figure thanks to their continued efforts in OMTH to allow Hydrotherapy development in their country.
Ennio Gori, President OMTH
The federation was founded in 1921 under the name “International Society of Medical Hydrology” shortened lSMH and later renamed the “International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (lSMH)”. The federation was founded in the inaugural meeting held at the Royal Society of Medicine on December 9, 1921 in London, with a preliminary membership of seventy-one, representing thirteen countries. Fortescue Dr. Robert Fox, London, was elected as the first federation President.The comprising the International Union of physicians, scientists, institutions and other establishments depending on the area of Medical Hydrology, Balneology, Climatology, and the federation is beneficial Thalassotherapy.The community and non-profit oriented with the federation objectives.The scientific purposes are: the international integration of medical spa in a separate branch of medical medicine, promotion of research, teaching and use of the spa science, the distribution of the knowledge acquired in spa medicine with the aim of improving the overall health of support, the professional interests related scientists.The affiliated physicians and tasks of the federation are: the perception of the interests of Medical Hydrology, Balneology, Climatology, Thalassotherapy, and their doctors and scientists from the public, other, the European Community (EC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). . The ISMH want to achieve coordination of research expert for Medicine and Health Resort Spa Therapy affairs at the level of each medical and health specialties. In addition, an internal consensus on measures prescribing medical treatment, in particular with regard to the application of treatment measures balneotherapeutic
will be reached.Within these medical and health specialties, a catalog of application methods sufficiently researched and are not yet sufficiently investigated in the field of Medical Hydrology and Climatology of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation will be prepared. Possible solutions and research projects will be developed in the areas that need more research.
In Hungary (Szeged) on April 2, 2005, a consensus conference was held under the auspices of the ISMH and a final statement was also adopted by a large number of organizations linked Balneology who were present at that historic meeting. The International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH), Section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist European Union Medical (UEMS), the World Organization for Cures (OMTH) World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC), the International Society for Technology hydrothermal (SITH Committee) and the European Federation doctor of Spa (ESPA) achieved following understanding: medicine and health Balneology resort is part of a scientific medicine and must be based on scientific evidence.Definition terms in medicine balneology center health has to be developed as a basis for scientific work and the development of quality standards practice health spas and resort medicine.A consensus process should be initiated on the basis of the exchange of information and the collection of the work that has been already made in international companies, as well as nationally, using systematic methods of decision making (consensus conferences Delphi tasks nd). We need to build the International Glossary of health resort and Spa-medicine terminology closely with these companies and partner organizations have a working group that was created to address this problem in a common activity of the organizations present.
The main organs and committies:
Chairman: Prof. M. Z Karagülle, First Vice President (former President) Prof. Tamás Bender,
Vice president (leader of the scientific committee), Prof. Christoph Gutenbrunner
Secretary General: Prof. Christian F. Roques, Treasurer: Prof. Pál Geher
PANORAMA WORD CONGRESS 37th ISMH Paris 23 hasta 26 June 2010
ISMH organized in Paris on 23-26 October 2010 the 37th edition of the Congress “Medical Hydrology and Hydrotherapy molecules to society”.
This is a scientific event of absolute importance and we are happy to send the news to you hoping to welcome their participation.